A walk and draw networking session for creatives in the Test Valley.
“Drawing is the art of taking a line for a walk” - Paul Klee.
Come and have some fun with drawing, and meet other local creatives. This event is for artists, musicians, writers, performers, and others working in the creative industries in Test Valley. You don’t need to be good at drawing, just willing to pick up a pencil and give it a go!
Whilst walking around the Town Centre you will be led through a series of quick, fun drawing exercises which focus on the process of drawing and experiment with scale, movement and different techniques.
After an hour of drawing we will head to a local cafe for a cuppa and more of a chance to chat and network. Please bring:
Hardback sketchbook (If sketchbook is not hardback you will need something to lean on.)
Pens, pencils or any other drawing tools, rubber, (ruler?) sharpener
Suitable footwear and coat if needed.
Meet in Romsey Town Centre at Lord Palmerston Statue, outside Josie’s.
This is a Test Valley Creative Event in partnership with Artful Collective.
See here to book: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/walk-draw-networking-tickets-167703428469?aff=ebdsoporgprofile